
вторник, 2 октября 2012 г.

Isn't she lovely

  Не забывайте о моей конфетке

Today I want to share with you my Clear Scraps DT project using Tri Fold Regular Frame
  Cегодня хочу вам показать акриловую рамку, которуя я делала для Clear Scraps.
используя их 3х - створчатую акриловую основу  Tri Fold Regular frame

  This acrylic frame is versatile and can be used as a home decoration too. I used the photos of my niece, and I have to say she is so cutie that I decided to make something special for her Princess room.

  Очень мне нравится работать с этими продуктами, к тому же это уже готовый вариант домашнего декора. Я делала для своей племянницы, она такая очаровательная девочка, так что я решила сделать что-нибудь особенное для ее комнаты Принцессы
  I used Bo Bunny Little Miss Collection that was featured at Scraps of Elegance July Kit and added many ribbons to tie my frame shapes.
and you know how I am addicted to paints and inks so I can not resist this temptation and tried it there too.

  Я использовала бумагу Bo Bunny, которая была в июльском наборе от  Scraps of Elegance.
Ну и конечно же, прошлась алкогольными чернилами, красками и проштампила завитушки черным гессо.
 So I started with alcohol inks, then randomly covered the edges with pale  pink acrylic paint, then I added alcohol inks again and stamped the swirles with black Gesso
 and here is the back side

  By the way, a new October Kit from Scraps of Elegance  has already been revealed and it is called Dreams of you
it features Prima Zephyr collection and Glitz Design's Cahsmere Dame collection, and some Webster's Pages Park Drive Collection and MME The Sweetest Thing.
  and more over , Stacey Young is a Guest designer this month, so dont forget  to check for tons of inspiration from her and DT as well.

6 комментариев:

  1. Absolutely beautiful.. so many wonderful details..well done!

  2. This is so cute. What a beautiful frame for her to have in her room!

  3. Have of course seen acrylic shapes before but not quite known what to do with them or what to use ON them either. The effect of the inks and the paint is just amazing! The stamping looks just fab too, fancy you made it with black Gesso. This is really really so pretty Elena! I am sure your niece was thrilled to bits getting it for her room! xoxox
