
суббота, 1 декабря 2012 г.

Scraps of Elegance Blog Hop

  if you came for Meg's Garden blog hop, please follow this link

Welcome to the Scraps of Elegance December Blog Hop
Design Team Reveal

И для моих русскоговорящих читателей:
да-да, снова блог хоп, в честь выхода нового набора от Scraps of Elegance. правила те же, стать читателем каждого блога, оставить комментарий и наслаждаться прекрасными работами наших дизайнеров.

We are unveiling our December Kit
“Winter Wishes”

Scraps of Elegance
Is giving away our fabulous
December Kit
To one lucky winner!

Our Scraps of Darkness Designers
Are sharing their work with the November
“Karma kit”

We would also like you to meet our newest design team members!
Sara Onneby
Vivian Keh
Kristie Taylor
Agnieszka Bellaidea
Sarah Bargo
Evgenia Petzer

All you have to do is become a follower of the Scraps of Elegance blog and “like us” on Facebook. You must visit each participating blog and leave a comment on each blog in order to be eligible for the prize.
When you have visited and commented on all the blogs return to the Scraps of Elegance blog and leave us a comment letting us know how much fun you had.
If you post about this blog hop on your own blog you will be entered into the drawing twice for an extra chance to win!

We are sure you will be inspired by our talented design team.
The December kit is stunning and you won’t want to miss out on grabbing one for yourself!
**Open to international entries**
You have until
Monday December 3rd 1:00 AM PST to complete the hop.
The winner will be announced on the Scraps of Elegance blog on Tuesday December 4th.
Be sure to check back on that day to see if you have won…

Have fun!
Blogs to visit
Scraps of Darkness- http://scrapsofdarkness.blogspot.com
Scraps of Elegance-http://scrapsofelegancekits.blogspot.com/
Mandy Harrell- http://forscrappingoutloud.blogspot.com
Jennifer Snyder- http://scrap-escape.blogspot.com
Renea Harrison- http://myglittercoatedlife.blogspot.com
Karen Zueger-  http://lostcoastscrapper.blogspot.com
Lisa Novogrodski-  http://lisas-livingincolor.blogspot.com
Elena Olinevich- http://eleele-handmade.blogspot.com/
Michelle Phillips-  http://fullmoonscrapping.blogspot.com
Karolina Stopyra-  http://drycha.blogspot.com
Escapekitty-  http://escapekitty.blogspot.com
Rachael Funnell-http://awindowtoomyworld.blogspot.com/
Helena Johansson-http://willeasscrap.blogspot.com/
Agnieszka Bellaidea-http://bellaideascrapology.blogspot.ca/
Sarah Bargo-http://www.sarah-bargo.blogspot.com/
Evgenia Petzer-http://evgeniapetzer.blogspot.com/
Sara Onneby-http://www.pyssligasara.blogspot.com/
Vivian Keh-http://contadinak.wordpress.com/
Kristie Taylor-http://kristietaylor.blogspot.com/
Charlotte Jenkins - http://suepup.blogspot.com

I am at the Scraps of Darkness Team, so today I want to share with the Layouts I've made using November Karma  Kit. 
So the first one is build up on the sketch by Charlotte

Поскольку я дизайнер для второго смежного клуба Scraps of Darkness. поэтому я сегодня вам показываю странички, сделанные из ноябрьского набора Karma ,который включает в себя несколько коллекци, но я вам сегодня покажу только те, которые из коллекции Bo Bunny Serenity

and here is the sketch

I have to confess that I was afraid of using such dark bright colors at first, but then when I started to arrange them - what a pleasure I had, so rich, so bright, so gorgeous. I have never expected to achieve this by using this Bo Bunny Serenity collection, by now, I am in love with it, really.
I have managed even to apply some acrylic paints by Claudine Helmuth, that were included into our Color add on kit

I've made so many fussy cutting this time, usually I don't do it at all, but the flowers from the patterned papers were so beautiful, that I wanted to use them as the embellishments

 I added some pearls from Flourish With A Bling as long this FWAB Jack Vine Olive Green

and I decorated the cut flowers with some FWAB Adhesive Pearls that were included in one of the previous Scraps of Elegance kit

Я так боялась этой яркой бумаги, все думала, ну как же я с ней работать буду. а потом она попала мне в руки и я крутила-крутила листочки и вдруг поняла, а ведь она же классная, я даже умудрилась порисовать на ней пальчиком. добавила своей любимой текстурной пасты, и вот вам результат.
поскольку в этот раз мой набор пришел с большим опозданием, то сейчас я работаю над другими страничками из этого набора. так что следите за моими постами, скоро покажу вам что я сотворила из коллекции Graphic 45 Bird Song collection

For my second LO I used Bo Bunny Serenity collection too

I couldn't resist to try adding some acrylic paints there too. You know , I am addicted to using texture paste and paints.

again some fussy cutting and you are ready with your embellishments

even chipboard that was at the previous Scraps of Elegance kit was painted with bright colors

some butterflies added accents. and Prima's Cristals were cut into 2 parts and used for the 2 different LOs.

I hope you have been inspired by Karma Kit and stay tuned to see more projects from me this week using this versatile kit.


39 комментариев:

  1. Такие насыщенные цвета в работах! Супер!

  2. Such beautiful layouts you've done with the November SOD kit! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. Wow these layouts are amazing. So much layering! You rocked that sketch!

  4. The colors are bright and gorgeous, you did a beautiful job, I think my favorite one is the second one tho, I love how you arranged it and I love the acrylic work. Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful day.

  5. Обалденные странички!! Мне обе безумно нравятся!!!

  6. You girls have beautiful Kit this month! I`m ok with it, as you know I`m busy with Scraps of Elegance :), thanks so much for sharing your work!

  7. I came across your blog from the Scraps of Elegance blog hop...beautiful work!

  8. Your works are so beautiful! I came across your blog from the Scraps of Elegance blog hop...

  9. Extradordinary layouts! Just beautiful. I was struggling with this paper and now I have at least an idea of how to use it. Thank-you!

  10. beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great job and love your photos!

  11. So very wonderful! You do such stunning detail work and it is a delight to unearth all the treasures you put into your work!

  12. Great details! as always :)
    love fussy cutting on first LO and second - looks incredible :)

  13. Gorgeous pages!!! I especially love the first one! Fabulous pp's and colors!! I just got these papers and can't wait to use them! Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Elena, Your lo's are so stunning, love all the color combination and the details, I am blown away......

  15. wow! i'm drooling with each blog i visit! these are so beautiful, Elena! Very excited to be on this team. -Vivian

  16. Love the paint you used, really adds to the layout.

  17. Лен, во-первых, новый лк блога классный! очень нравится и странички волшебные!

  18. I've never done this before, but I'm enjoying hopping and seeing all the fabby scrapbooking ideas !:)

  19. You know I love ALL your work:) Stunning layouts Elena! Great blog hop:)

  20. Love all the details is your layouts! Beautiful work!

  21. great layering and lots of texture on your layouts, gorgeous.
    ava g

  22. Love the color combos you used. Love your take in the sketch.

  23. such stunning pieces and amazing use of color and the kit. your work always inspires me.

  24. Can't believe that's Bo Bunny - amazing... love the deep rich colours and the great layouts.
