суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Blog Hop Scraps of Elegance & Scraps of Darkness

     Welcome to the Scraps of Darkness & Scraps of Elegance Design Team Blog Hop with a special guest - Donna Salazar.
  Команда дизайнеров Scraps of Darkness & Scraps of Elegance проводят Блог Хоп с участием Donna Salazar.
    The hop begins at the Scraps of Elegance blog

 If you came here from Karolina Stopyra"s  blog, then you are on the right track.  If not, go back to Scraps of Elegance and start from there, where we have just revealed our June kit, “Country Charm”, featuring Donna Salazar's gorgeous “Botanique” collection and a ton of Prima flowers, Shabby Chic Treasures and Say it in Studs!!!.
 Начало в блоге Scraps of Elegance, где вчера вышел июньский набор "Country Charm", в который входит великолепная бумага коллекции  Donna Slazar's "Botanique" и множество цветов от Prima, Shabby Chic Treasures and Say it in Studs!!!.
  We have some amazing projects for you to see today. There are 4 prize up for grabs so make sure to follow along and have fun!

    Scraps of Elegance is giving away a “Swan Song” kit featuring Prima’s Fairy Belle Collection to one lucky winner, and one set of Tim Holtz Spring Seasonal Distress Ink to another!
    Scraps of Darkness is giving a “Summer Breeze” kit featuring Prima’s Sun Kiss Collection to one winner, as well as a set of Tim Holtz Spring Seasonal Distress Ink to another!

 будут разыграны 4 приза:
набор от Scraps of Elegance с коллекцией  Prima’s Fairy Belle

 набор от Scraps of Darkness c коллекцией Prima Sun Kiss 

2 наборa дистрессов от Тим Хольц Spring Seasonal 

   For my first layout, this is my daughter, the photo taken last month . I used Prima's Sun Kiss Collection.
  For the background I've made embossing with clear powder and add misting, using the Lindy's mists from the previous Color Add on Kit. 
Here are some close ups
 I used Prima flowers from the Flora Add on, and some flowers from cheesecloth, also misting them.

  For my second Layout I've made many cutting of cornflowers and  also add misting and gesso.
Here are some close ups for the bow and chipboard stickers
  Look at those gorgeous bright Prima flowers and how they accomplish the embellishments.

You have until midnight June 4th Pacific time to complete the hop and comment. The winner will be announced on this blog on June 6th.
   In order to qualify to win here is what you need to do:
1. Become a follower Scraps of Elegance blog and Scraps of Darkness blog and leave a comment on all of the participating blogs.  Many of the designers are giving away prizes if you become a follower of their blog, as well, so you have lots of chances to win extra prizes!
 2. Come  back on Scraps of Elegance blog when you have finished and let us know you have completed the hop! You will love seeing what our design team has created, and we hope it will inspire you to create something beautiful!
here is the full list 
 The hop begins at Scraps of Elegance. Have fun!!!

Scraps of Elegance - http://scrapsofelegancekits.blogspot.com/
Lisa Novogrodski- http://lisas-livingincolor.blogspot.com/
Mandy Harrell- http://forscrappingoutloud.blogspot.com/
Karen Zueger- http://lostcoastscrapper.blogspot.com/
Renea Harrison- http://www.myglittercoatedlife.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Snyder- http://scrap-escape.blogspot.com/
Donna Salazar- http://donnasalazar.typepad.com/
Michelle Phillips- http://fullmoonscrapping.blogspot.com.au/
Karolina Stopyra- http://drycha.blogspot.com/
Elena Olinevich- http://eleele-handmade.blogspot.com/  you are here
Helena Johansson- http://willeasscrap.blogspot.com/
Escape Kitty- http://escapekitty.blogspot.com/
Charlotte Jenkins - http://suepup.blogspot.com/
Scraps of Darkness- http://scrapsofdarkness.blogspot.com/
Back to Scraps of Elegance  http://scrapsofelegancekits.blogspot.com/!!!

The party continues over at  Helena Johansson's blog. Have fun!

для участия вам необходимо до полуночи 4 июня по восточному времени (до 10 утра 5 июня по минскому времени) завершить блог хоп и оставить сови комментарии. Победители будут объявлены 6 июня. для этого вам необходимо:
1. стать постоянным читателем блога Scraps of Elegance и Scraps of Darkness. а также оставить комментарии в логах всех дизайнеров. Многие дизайнеры будут разыгрывать свои призы, если вы станете читателем их блогов также, то ваши шансы стать победителем увеличиваются.
2. Вернуться в блог Scraps of Elegance  и оставить комментарий о том, что вы посетили все блоги и поделиться своими вречатлениями.

51 комментарий:

  1. Specially your second layout is wonderful. All the flowers and little theings to discover... lovely

  2. I love your losThanks for this chance to win!

  3. I like what you did to the paper. It make it feel softer.

  4. Fun with a blog hop and a big thanks for this chance to win. I love to look around in peoples blogs.

  5. Just flat out beautiful work on both projects! Love your soft, feminine, totally you style!

  6. I must to say that You take really beautiful photos!!

  7. Hi Elena! This is my first time visiting your blog and I love it! This hop has been so amazing for me!!! Your projects are BOTH beautiful!!!! I am off to follow your blog, then hopping to Helena's blog next. Thanks for sharing your work with us!

  8. Hi, just joined and it is a great blog. Great hop, love your work.

  9. Stunning work of art! LOVE the distressing and your color combinations! I am now a follower of your blog. So very nice to meet you! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity on this fun blog hop!

  10. WOW love your layouts, so soft and lovely~! Thank you for such a wonderful blog hop!

  11. Your layout is so soft and lovely and the little girl is adorable! What a great job! TFS

  12. Beautiful layouts my friend, I love your blog!!!!!! Hugs, Karen

  13. You have a lovely blog! Your layout is gorgeous and I
    enjoy your style...
    I follow you via GFC. cmh512
    Many thanks, Cindi

  14. Your blog is new to me, but, I've become a follower, so I'll be sure to check it out completely. Your work is lovely !

  15. Beautiful! Love all the layering and distressing!

  16. Beautiful site. I'm so glad that you are on our design team!

  17. Love your second Summer Breeze LO. My dd loves sunflowers, so hope I can get the kit.

  18. Lovely pages, super instructions - it's a pleasure to read your blog. I'm subscribed, and am hopping on to the next blog :)

  19. So happy to have you with all of us! These LO's are beautiful! :)

  20. Elena, your work is gorgeous!! Your blog is wonderful, i will come back an visit to watch your beautiful creations posted.

  21. Such a pretty blog! Thanks for allowing me to come through and see your work!!!

  22. Your work is always so pretty and refreshing. I love your 2 new pages. Thanks for all your hard work, so I can admire it!

  23. Hey Elena, awesome blog and your work is stunning! Meow for now bubba

  24. Love your work!! Your blog is gorgeous too. Will be checking your blog, love it

  25. Your DD is adorable.... and such stunning LO's TFS x

  26. Love your pages, Elena!! Amazing texture!

  27. Hi...Is your name Elena? Mine is too. I am Lithuanian. Came to the United States in 1951. I love your work, it is beautiful. The LO with your daughter is really beautiful.

  28. Such beautiful layouts! Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  29. beautiful layouts, thank you for the great hop!

  30. Beautiful layouts. I love how the neutral background in the first one really allows the bright colours in the foreground to pop! Great Hop so far!

  31. Your layouts were lovely. I have purchased cheesecloth, but it lays untouched because I wasn't sure what to do with it. You have given me a couple of great ideas. Your daughter is beautiful! Thanks.

  32. Your layout is beautiful!! The colors are gorgeous!!!!! LOVE IT!

  33. Love the pages and your artsy style! Reminds me of my own style thanks for sharing http://ausscrapbookingdiva.blogspot.com.au/

  34. Hello Eleele! Such beautiful layouts!!! You use my favrite medium too1 I live what Gesso and misting can do to a project! Thanks for the hop and now I follow yu!

  35. Wow, what an amazing LO!! Love the resist technique. wispy fibers, and gorgeous Prima!! I am a new follower and looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful work!! ~ Blessings


  36. I just signed up for your blog! I love seeing all of your inspiring work! thank you!,!!


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