It's time for new sketch from Keeping The Best and my DT work for them:
Сегодня вышел новый скетч от Сохраняя Лучшее и моя работа во нему
and here is the sketch:
Я использовала микс разных коллекций от Pink Paislee. И чтобы сохранить воздушность и прозрачность светлых оттенков добавила белые цветочки из новой веченней колеекции Manor House Creations
I have decided to make some airy and light LO using some Pink Paslee papers from different collections, one of my favourites: London Market, Butterfly Garden and Spring Jubilee.
and surely to keep the lightness of the LO I added some New Released Manor House Creations flowers. Here re some close ups:
I've misted them slightly with Lindy's Coral Starburst
and leftover branch from 2 Crafty chipboard and their Grass Clump
чипборд веточка и трава от 2 Crafty
So we are waiting for your take on this fabulous sketch.
Ну и напоследок, скоро ожидается 2 блог хопа, один состоится в Meg's Garden. Начнется он 30 ноября, призы едут по всему миру и скажу вам честно, призы просто замечательные.
так что не забудьте забежать ко мне.
а о втором блог хопе и моих новых работах вы сможете узнать завтра.
and one more
your calendars for the
Meg's Garden Design Team Blog Hop!
of the longest Blog Hops ever done – around the World.

Fogg attempts to circumnavigate the late Victorian world in eighty days, or less, for a wager of £20,000 with members of London’s Reform Club. He
takes the wager and leaves with Passepartout, vowing to return by
8:45 pm on Saturday 21 December 1872. Under suspicion of robbing the
Bank of England, he is followed by a detective named Fix.
Fogg has no idea about Fix's true intentions and Fix (wanting to get
Fogg back to England so that he can arrest him) works with Fogg in the
last half of the book.
While in India he saves a widowed princess, named Aouda from Suttee during
her husband's funeral. Passepartout rescues her and she accompanies
Fogg for the rest of his journey. She and Fogg eventually fall in love
and marry at the end of the book. Fix, who is really supposed to arrest
Fogg, attempts to sabotage him by putting him in prison near the end of
the book but he is quickly released. Fogg, who has been careful to keep
track of every day in his diary, believes that he arrives home on Sunday
and that he has lost his bet. However, he discovers, almost too late,
that he has forgotten to adjust his timekeeping for having crossed the
International Date Line and he wins his bet after all.’
Fogg had 80 days to circle the globe - we are allowing 4 days only
but we have an advantage over his modes of travel – he had to catch
trains, ride an elephant, an air balloon & more....
sure you complete the list – become a follower, like us on FB &
leave a comment – at
each blog.
30, November 2012 for 3 days at 5:00 p.m.
Candy at each blog & a prize at the end !!
Лен, очень красивая страничка! Такая нежная и воздушная!
ОтветитьУдалитьЕлена, невероятно нежная, красивая, воздушная работа!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьПока я писала про нежность и воздушность, Евгения уже меня обогнала )))
Удалитьgorgeous work, love it :)
ОтветитьУдалитьStunning work as always!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьЛена, какой замечательный дизайн блога!!! Как уютно, когда светло)))
ОтветитьУдалитьМне очень нравится, просто супер!!!
Beautiful x
ОтветитьУдалитьGorgeous designs and craftsmanship, always enjoying my visit here with you. Greatshowcasing...
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